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Licorice panna cotta




Fresh cream

400 grams

Skimmed milk

100 grams

White sugar

50 grams

Liquorice powder

10 grams

Gelatin for dessert

4 grams

Desserts from Italy

Licorice panna cotta

Licorice panna cotta

with fish with lactose

ready in

15 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Licorice panna cotta

Dolcino fresh for liquorice lovers ... like me! Not all the cream, however, is cooked, I have also added a whipped part and this trick makes it very soft and not cloying and sticky

Licorice panna cotta step 1

step 1

Soak the gelatine sheets for 10 minutes. In a saucepan heat 300g of cream, milk, sugar and licorice powder.

Licorice panna cotta step 2

step 2

As soon as it starts to boil, remove from the heat, add the gelatine and mix well until it is completely melted.

Licorice panna cotta step 3

step 3

Transfer to a bowl using a sieve to remove any licorice residues and allow to cool, stirring occasionally.

Licorice panna cotta step 4

step 4

Meanwhile, whip the remaining cream and when the mixture is cold add it slowly to the cream.

Licorice panna cotta step 5

step 5

Pour the panna cotta into 6 single-portion molds and leave in the fridge for at least 3/4 hours.

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