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Ciabatta bread




Farina Farina Intera

450 oz

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300 fl oz

Active dry yeast

1 sachet


1 pinch

White sugar

1 teaspoon

Bakery products from Italy

Ciabatta bread

Ciabatta bread

vegan with gluten

ready in

16 hours


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Ciabatta bread

Ciabatta bread with soft crumb and super crispy crust ideal to accompany a nice plate of fresh salad!

Ciabatta bread step 1

step 1

First of all you need to prepare the polish the night before with 200 ml of water, 200 grams of flour, a sachet of yeast and a teaspoon of sugar. The mixture must be liquid and it must be left to rise overnight in a warm place covered with plastic wrap.

Ciabatta bread step 2

step 2

The next morning the polish will have risen and made bubbles. Add the rest of the flour, water and salt. Mix everything together and leave to rise for 2 hours.

Ciabatta bread step 3

step 3

After the rising time, shape the dough and let it rise for another half hour.

Ciabatta bread step 4

step 4

Turn on the oven at 230 degrees with a saucepan inside with water to keep the humidity.

Ciabatta bread step 5

step 5

When the oven is hot, bake the bread resting it on the base of the oven and let it cook for 15 minutes.

Ciabatta bread step 6

step 6

After 15 minutes, move the pan to the center of the oven and let it cook for 10 minutes.

Ciabatta bread step 7

step 7

After 10 minutes, lower the oven temperature to 180 degrees and put it in the oven for 5 minutes.

Ciabatta bread step 8

step 8

Finally turn off the oven leaving the bread inside for a quarter of an hour.

Ciabatta bread step 9

step 9

Before cutting it, I suggest you let it cool down well.

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