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pissaladière (nice focaccia)




Type 00 wheat flour

350 oz


200 fl oz

Fresh brewer's yeast

4 oz

Olive oil

to taste


1 oz

Alici sotto sale

200 oz

Black olives

25 oz

White sugar

10 oz


to taste


to taste

Bakery products from France

pissaladière (nice focaccia)

pissaladière (nice focaccia)

with gluten with fish

ready in

3 hours


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

pissaladière (nice focaccia)

pissaladière (nice focaccia) Hoover Recipes

pissaladière (nice focaccia) step 1

step 1

Place all the water, the beer yeast and the flour in a bowl and start to form into a dough.

pissaladière (nice focaccia) step 2

step 2

When the dough is well formed after a few minutes, add 6 gr of salt, 15 gr of extra-virgin oil and then work until smooth and even.

pissaladière (nice focaccia) step 3

step 3

Leave the dough to rise in a slightly oiled container and in a warm space for around 2 hours. It should double in volume.

pissaladière (nice focaccia) step 4

step 4

Peel and cut the onions in the meantime. Place 30 gr of extra virgin oil in a pan. Add the onions, sugar and a little sale and pepper. Cover and let soften for around 30 minutes, mixing from time to time. It just needs to stew.

pissaladière (nice focaccia) step 5

step 5

Leave to cool.

pissaladière (nice focaccia) step 6

step 6

Desalt the anchovies under running water. Remove the bones and place the fillets on a sheet of absorbent paper.

pissaladière (nice focaccia) step 7

step 7

Spread out the pastry on an oiled baking sheet with your hands or the help of a rolling pin (if the pastry is not very giving when rolling out, wait a few minutes and then continue).

pissaladière (nice focaccia) step 8

step 8

You should create an even surface. Distribute the onions evenly. Arrange the anchovy fillets starting with a corner to form a series of diamonds.

pissaladière (nice focaccia) step 9

step 9

Place an olive at the centre of each diamond. Pre-heat the oven to 220 °C and cook the pissaladiere for 25-30 minutes.

pissaladière (nice focaccia) step 10

step 10

Remove from the oven and serve hot or warm.

pissaladière (nice focaccia) step 11

step 11

Remove from the oven and serve hot or warm.

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