108 recipes


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Toast with figs and ricotta




Agave syrup

to taste

Shelled walnuts

10 oz

Ricotta cheese

90 oz


1 unit

Wholemeal rusks

2 slices

Desserts from world

Toast with figs and ricotta

Toast with figs and ricotta

vegetarian with gluten with lactose with nuts

ready in

10 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Toast with figs and ricotta

For a sweet toast

Toast with figs and ricotta step 1

step 1

Toast the bread to your liking

Toast with figs and ricotta step 2

step 2

To serve, put the toast on a serving plate. Spread the ricotta on bread and cover with figs

Toast with figs and ricotta step 3

step 3

Sprinkle the slices of bread with nuci and pour a few drops of agave syrup

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