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Fried cod




Peanut oil

to taste

Type 00 wheat flour

200 grams

Salted codfish

500 grams

second courses from Italy - Puglia

Fried cod

Fried cod

with gluten with fish with nuts high in potassium high in phosphorus

ready in

20 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Fried cod

A second dish of fish always well appreciated: fried codfish!

Fried cod step 1

step 1

If you have purchased salt cod still in salt, soak it for about 2 days, changing water every 12 hours, rubbing and removing excess salt. When it is ready, you can cut it into pieces and drain it well.

Fried cod step 2

step 2

Bread the pieces in semolina flour and fry them in boiling oil until they are well browned.

Fried cod step 3

step 3

Put the pieces in a container covered with absorbent paper to absorb the excess oil. Serve hot with a slice of lemon.

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