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Pasta to the puttanesca




Extra virgin olive oil

2 spoons


1 wedge

Anchovies in oil

2 fillets


2 spoons

Pitted black olives

10 unit

Tomato sauce, without salt

1 cup


200 grams


1 sprig

Dried chillies

1 half

first courses from Italy - Campania

Pasta to the puttanesca

Pasta to the puttanesca

with gluten with fish high in potassium

ready in

30 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Pasta to the puttanesca

A classic of the bell cuisine: pasta with puttanesca. The origin of the name is controversial. There are some who claim that the creator of this dish is a tenure of a brothel in the Spaniards of Naples, who prepared this dish to all its customers because it was very simple and fast. In addition, bright colors would recall the intimate worn by the girls to attract customers.

Pasta to the puttanesca step 1

step 1

Chop the anchovies, garlic and chili. Cut the olives with washers. Add the two tablespoons of oil in a non-stick frying pan. When the oil is hot, add anchovies, garlic, chili pepper, olives and capers.

Pasta to the puttanesca step 2

step 2

Add the cubic sauce and cook on medium heat for 20 minutes, covering with a lid. Meanwhile, boil salty water for the dough, when it reaches the boil, add the dough.

Pasta to the puttanesca step 3

step 3

When the dough is on the tooth, drain it and add it to the sauce, mixing all the ingredients. Add a little crushed parsley and serve.

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