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qυαяσттι αι cεяεαℓι ε αяαηcια





50 oz

Puffed spelt

20 oz


1 teaspoon


1 unit


3 unit


1 unit

Desserts from Italy - Emilia-Romagna

qυαяσттι αι cεяεαℓι ε αяαηcια

qυαяσттι αι cεяεαℓι ε αяαηcια

vegetarian with gluten

ready in

20 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

qυαяσттι αι cεяεαℓι ε αяαηcια

If you like the bars you find in the supermarket, why not try making them at home with the ingredients you prefer?

qυαяσттι αι cεяεαℓι ε αяαηcια step 1

step 1

First, blend a ripe banana, maybe the one that's left in the fruit basket. A little ugly and with black dots. Together with the banana also blend the 3 dried plums.

qυαяσттι αι cεяεαℓι ε αяαηcια step 2

step 2

Put the mixture in a large enough bowl, and add the muslei and the puffed spelled. I used the honey one, reducing the teaspoon of honey to half. But you can use the natural one.

qυαяσттι αι cεяεαℓι ε αяαηcια step 3

step 3

Add honey to the mixture, if it is too soft you can add a little more cereal of your choice. It all also depends on the size of the blended banana.

qυαяσттι αι cεяεαℓι ε αяαηcια step 4

step 4

Spread the mixture on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Create a rectangle often a finger, using a spatula.

qυαяσттι αι cεяεαℓι ε αяαηcια step 5

step 5

Cut the orange into slices (wash it well if you want to keep the peel) and arrange it along your whole rectangle of cereals.

qυαяσттι αι cεяεαℓι ε αяαηcια step 6

step 6

Bake at 180 degrees for 15/20 minutes (depends on the oven), cut into several pieces and leave to cool. When you can easily detach your squares, put them in the fridge in a container.

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