58 recipes


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Integeal Piadina with Fuchsia Hummus




Wheat flatbread

1 unit

Red beetroot

1 unit


150 oz

Extra virgin olive oil

1 spoon


1 pinch


1 pinch

single courses from Italy - Piemonte

Integeal Piadina with Fuchsia Hummus

Integeal Piadina with Fuchsia Hummus

vegan with gluten high in iron source of C vitamins high in potassium

ready in

15 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Integeal Piadina with Fuchsia Hummus

Practically empty fridge, a piadina (made by me) frozen and a box of soy beans in the pantry. Who does not happen? Despite the few ingredients, it turned out to be a very colorful and super tasty lunch. You don't need big things for a good dish, but with the right imagination everything can become simple and tasty. I have used soybeans, but any other type of legume is welcome

Integeal Piadina with Fuchsia Hummus step 1

step 1

I used a frozen piadina made by me, the last one left but a wholemeal piadina with extra virgin olive oil is fine. In a blender I add the small beetroot left together with the soy beans with oil, salt and rosemary and blend everything.

Integeal Piadina with Fuchsia Hummus step 2

step 2

I light the fire and start to heat a non-stick pan where I will lay the piadina which will have to thaw and cook in part

Integeal Piadina with Fuchsia Hummus step 3

step 3

Once ready, I remove the piadina and stuff it with the cream obtained. But what crazy color does it have? Truly beautiful. I also add the last leaves of radish left in the fridge to give another touch of color and the dish is ready

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