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Cous cous with tofu




Pachino tomatoes

4 unit

Rocket salad

to taste


1 spoon


1 half


150 grams


90 grams


50 grams

Iodized salt

to taste

Extra virgin olive oil

to taste

first courses from Italy

Cous cous with tofu

Cous cous with tofu

vegan with gluten high in calcium source of C vitamins high in potassium high in phosphorus with good fats

ready in

20 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Cous cous with tofu

Cous cous with verdurine and tofu

Cous cous with tofu step 1

step 1

Put the couscous in a bowl and pour boiling water. Cover and after 3 minutes, add in oil and salt. Cover it for another 3 minutes, then sgranatelo.

Cous cous with tofu step 2

step 2

Meanwhile make grilling half zucchini and cut into cubes.

Cous cous with tofu step 3

step 3

Wash celery and tomatoes and cut into small pieces.

Cous cous with tofu step 4

step 4

Meanwhile, cut the tofu into cubes and cook in a pan with olive oil for a few minutes.

Cous cous with tofu step 5

step 5

Then add the vegetables to the couscous, tofu and add in oil and arugula leaf.

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