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Orecchiette with sausage and turnip greens




Orecchiette, pasta

350 grams


2 wedges

Extra virgin olive oil

to taste

Rapiniorbroccoli rabe

400 grams

Turkey sausage

300 grams

Common table wine

1 glass


to taste


to taste

first courses from Italy - Puglia

Orecchiette with sausage and turnip greens

Orecchiette with sausage and turnip greens

with meat with gluten high in potassium high in phosphorus

ready in

35 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Orecchiette with sausage and turnip greens

The Orecchiette with sausage and turnip greens is a first course that can be savored already by the scent and presentation, once tasted it conquers definitively!

Orecchiette with sausage and turnip greens step 1

step 1

Clean the turnip greens by removing the large leaves and discarding those that are too hard and worn. Cut the hard part of the stems and peel the remaining part. Wash them several times under running water and boil them in boiling salted water.

Orecchiette with sausage and turnip greens step 2

step 2

Drain them a little more al dente and, when they are warm, squeeze and coarsely chop them.

Orecchiette with sausage and turnip greens step 3

step 3

Heat the extra virgin olive oil in a pan and fry the garlic cloves peeled and crushed together with the chilli pepper.

Orecchiette with sausage and turnip greens step 4

step 4

Scaldate l’olio evo in una padella e fatevi soffriggere gli spicchi d’aglio spellati e schiacciati insieme al peperoncino.

Orecchiette with sausage and turnip greens step 5

step 5

Quando l’aglio avrà preso colore, scartatelo e mettete nella padella la salsiccia sbriciolata.

Orecchiette with sausage and turnip greens step 6

step 6

Fatela rosolare a fuoco vivace per qualche minuto schiacciandola con la forchetta per sminuzzarla bene quindi bagnate con il vino e, non appena è sfumato, unitevi le cime di rapa.

Orecchiette with sausage and turnip greens step 7

step 7

Salate, mescolate e continuate la cottura per un pò di minuti.

Orecchiette with sausage and turnip greens step 8

step 8

Cuocete, poi, le orecchiette in abbondante acqua salata in ebollizione, scolatele’ al dente, versatele nella padella e fatele saltare per un minuto, a fuoco vivace, nel condimento.

Orecchiette with sausage and turnip greens step 9

step 9

Servite caldo!

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