131 recipes


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Pumpkin velvet with ginger and fresh parsley




Iodized salt

to taste


1 sprig

Ginger powder

to taste

Vegetable broth

to taste


1 unit

Extra virgin olive oil

2 teaspoons


300 grams

soups from Italy

Pumpkin velvet with ginger and fresh parsley

Pumpkin velvet with ginger and fresh parsley

vegan source of C vitamins high in potassium

ready in

20 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Pumpkin velvet with ginger and fresh parsley

A first warm and nutritious plum pumpkin dish

Pumpkin velvet with ginger and fresh parsley step 1

step 1

First I peel a small potato, sliced ​​and steaming (or in boiling water, but in this case I leave it all and with the peel)

Pumpkin velvet with ginger and fresh parsley step 2

step 2

I do the same with the pumpkin and, once cooked, go to the minipimer together with a little vegetable broth

placeholder step

sponsor of the author

Pumpkin velvet with ginger and fresh parsley step 3

step 3

Adjust the texture by adding little by little the vegetable broth, salt and ground ginger (I put about half a teaspoon with these doses), sprinkle with fresh parsley and finish with oil evo

Pumpkin velvet with ginger and fresh parsley step 4

step 4

Enjoy your meal!

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