61 recipes


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Soft zucchini dumplings





5 unit

Chickpea flour

100 grams

Yellow corn flour

50 grams

Natural sea salt

to taste


10 grams

second courses from Italy - Lombardia

Soft zucchini dumplings

Soft zucchini dumplings

vegan high in fiber source of C vitamins high in potassium

ready in

30 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Soft zucchini dumplings

A second delicious, vegan and gluten-free, delicate but rich in taste, to accompany with potatoes or serve as an appetizer.

Soft zucchini dumplings step 1

step 1

Turn on the oven at 220 °. Wash the zucchini, blanch them by removing the ends and steaming them (in the microwave in a special container or in a pot with the basket) for 10 minutes.

Soft zucchini dumplings step 2

step 2

Cut the zucchini in pieces, transfer them to a suitable container and smooth them. Add salt, add chives and chickpea flour. Mix well.

placeholder step

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Soft zucchini dumplings step 3

step 3

Pour the corn flour into a holster and make the meatballs, placing a large spoon of dough at a time to cover well with the flour.

Soft zucchini dumplings step 4

step 4

Transfer the meatballs into a lightly greasy baking tray with egg oil and bake for 15-20 minutes until golden. Serve and enjoy: a crisp shell with a delicious soft filling!

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