
8 recipes


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Rice venison shrimp and avocado





1 half


1 half


150 oz

Black rice

200 oz

Spicy chillies

1 unit


5 pinches

Extra virgin olive oil

1 spoon

first courses from Italy

Rice venison shrimp and avocado

Rice venison shrimp and avocado

with shellfish source of B vitamins high in iron with good fats

ready in

45 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Rice venison shrimp and avocado

One of the many ways to season this delicious rice.

Rice venison shrimp and avocado step 1

step 1

Cut the half of the lawyer into rough pieces, half the tomatoes, thinly slice the onion, chop the pepper and put in a pan to brown and dry with oil and salt.per.circamjna Cecina minutes.

Rice venison shrimp and avocado step 2

step 2

While the sauce cooks add the shrimp and continue to cook.

Rice venison shrimp and avocado step 3

step 3

When cooking is almost complete, crush the avocado with a fork, which will form a cream that will bind the rice and seasoning.

Rice venison shrimp and avocado step 4

step 4

Meanwhile, cook the rice in a pot with boiling salted water for about 20 minutes. When cooked, pour the rice directly into the pan with the sauce and mix at will and enjoy.

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