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Cod Vicentina




Salted codfish

1000 oz


300 oz

Extra virgin olive oil

500 fl oz

Semiskimmed milk

500 fl oz

Type 00 wheat flour

a bit

Grated Grana Padano

50 oz


1 pinch


1 pinch

single courses from Italy - Veneto

Cod Vicentina

Cod Vicentina

with gluten with fish with lactose with good fats

ready in

4 hours 30 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Cod Vicentina

A popular recipe of the Venetian culinary tradition, or rather Vicenza.

Cod Vicentina step 1

step 1

Soak the stockfish, already well beaten, in cold water, changing it every 4 hours, for 2-3 days.

Cod Vicentina step 2

step 2

Open the fish for a long time, remove the bone and all the thorns. Cut it into pieces.

Cod Vicentina step 3

step 3

Finely slice the onions; brown them in a small pan with a glass of oil, add the sardines in salt, and cut them into small pieces; last, with the heat off, add the chopped parsley.

Cod Vicentina step 4

step 4

Flour the various pieces of stockfish, sprinkle with the sautéed mixture, then place them next to each other, in an earthenware saucepan on the bottom of which a few spoonfuls of sauté will be poured first.

Cod Vicentina step 5

step 5

Cover the fish with the rest of the sauce, adding the milk, the grated parmesan, the salt, the pepper. Add the oil until all the pieces are covered, leveling them.

Cod Vicentina step 6

step 6

Cook over a very gentle heat for about 4 and a half hours, moving the container from time to time without ever stirring.

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