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The pita!




Type 00 wheat flour

150 grams

Type 0 wheat flour

150 grams


150 grams

Sunflower oil

12 grams

White sugar

1 teaspoon


3 grams

Dry brewer's yeast

3 grams

Sunflower oil

4 spoons

single courses from Greece

The pita!

The pita!

vegan with gluten high in phosphorus with good fats

ready in

4 hours


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

The pita!

My variant on this delicious and versatile leavened! I prepare it the night before for lunch the next day!

The pita! step 1

step 1

In the bowl we gather the flours, baking powder, salt, sugar and oil. If you prefer to use fresh yeast, the dose is 10 gr and we will melt it in a part of the water.

The pita! step 2

step 2

If we work by hand, we incorporate with a fork, otherwise we start the planetary at low speed for a few turns, before adding the lukewarm water. The amount of water can vary depending on the type of flour, so it should be added little by little.

The pita! step 3

step 3

What we need to obtain is a soft but not sticky mixture, we work it for a few minutes on the surface before putting it to rise, covering the bowl with the film and placing it in a warm area protected from drafts, for at least 2 hours.

The pita! step 4

step 4

If you do it in the evening, let rise an hour and put in the fridge. Pull it out half an hour before using it.

The pita! step 5

step 5

Let's knead the leavened dough for a few seconds, then cut it into 4 parts with a smooth blade.

The pita! step 6

step 6

We work a portion at a time on the floured surface, flattening it with a rolling pin until you get a circle about 2mm thick.

The pita! step 7

step 7

Heat a tablespoon of oil in the pan and cook the pita for about 3-4 minutes, until golden brown, before turning it and brown the other side. Let's go out and enjoy!

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