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Lentil meatballs!




Precooked lentils

250 oz

Extra virgin olive oil

10 oz


10 oz


80 oz

Tomato paste

20 oz

first courses from Italy

Lentil meatballs!

Lentil meatballs!

vegan with gluten

ready in


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Lentil meatballs!

These meatballs are really delicious, ideal for an aperitif or a standing dinner, to be smoked in a sauce are the end of the world!

Lentil meatballs! step 1

step 1

I flavored the dough with fresh sage, thyme and parsley and dried coriander, but you can use your favorite herbs.

Lentil meatballs! step 2

step 2

We cut the onion roughly and in the glass of the chopper we gather all the ingredients except the oil.

Lentil meatballs! step 3

step 3

We activate the blender and add the oil if the mixture is too dry. Let it go for about twenty seconds until we get a soft mixture.

Lentil meatballs! step 4

step 4

We line the pan with parchment paper and form our meatballs. We heat the oven to 200 ° (I as always, I used the oven).

Lentil meatballs! step 5

step 5

We cook in a hot, static oven at 200 ° for 15 minutes. We serve hot or cold!

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