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Red bean patties.




Kidney beans

225 oz

Tomato paste

10 oz


50 oz


20 oz


10 oz

Garlic oil

10 oz

Lemon juice

15 oz

first courses from world

Red bean patties.

Red bean patties.

vegan with gluten

ready in

1 hour


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Red bean patties.

Meatballs with red beans, accompanied by a quick sauce based on parsley and coriander. Ideal for a packed lunch!

Red bean patties. step 1

step 1

Let's fry the beans with the spices, the lemon juice and the tomato paste, until you get a cream. Do not worry if some pieces remain, or better!

Red bean patties. step 2

step 2

Add the breadcrumbs a little at a time until you get a richer mixture that will leave to rest in the fridge for at least thirty minutes, so that it can solidify.

Red bean patties. step 3

step 3

Take spoonfuls of dough and form the meatballs with your hands, making them a little 'crushed. Line the oven tray with aluminum or paper and place the meatballs, brush them with oil before baking in a hot oven at 200 degrees for at least 20 minutes.

Red bean patties. step 4

step 4

For the sauce: In the glass of the minipimer we gather the herbs with spices, oil and lemon juice. Blend until you get a thick sauce, eventually add oil or lemon juice, to taste.

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