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Couscous with chickpeas, tuna and rocket





200 oz


120 oz


220 oz


1 unit

Rocket salad

100 oz

Tuna in oil, without salt

240 oz

Extra virgin olive oil

to taste

Iodized salt

1 pinch

Black pepper

to taste

first courses from Italy - Puglia

Couscous with chickpeas, tuna and rocket

Couscous with chickpeas, tuna and rocket

with gluten with fish high in potassium high in phosphorus with good fats

ready in

20 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Couscous with chickpeas, tuna and rocket

The couscous with chickpeas, tuna and arugula is a recipe light, perfect for vegetarians and for all those who enjoy light cuisine and the recipes easy to prepare! #kitchen

Couscous with chickpeas, tuna and rocket step 1

step 1

If you use the dried chickpeas, put them to soak 8 hours before or according to the guidelines found in the package, then drain, rinse and boil for about 1 hour, until they are cooked.

Couscous with chickpeas, tuna and rocket step 2

step 2

If you use cooked chickpeas, drain and rinse.

Couscous with chickpeas, tuna and rocket step 3

step 3

Pour water into a saucepan, add a dash dolio, a pinch of salt, rain, cous cous.

Couscous with chickpeas, tuna and rocket step 4

step 4

Stir quickly, close the lid and turn off the flame. Let stand until completely absorbed acclimatize.

Couscous with chickpeas, tuna and rocket step 5

step 5

After a few minutes the couscous has absorbed all the water. Sgranarlo gently with a spoon and pour it into a bowl.

Couscous with chickpeas, tuna and rocket step 6

step 6

Add the tuna, drained and chopped, washed and cut the arugula, sliced ​​carrot with a grater with large holes, the drained chickpeas and rinsed salt and pepper and add a little olive oil.

Couscous with chickpeas, tuna and rocket step 7

step 7

Mix thoroughly all ingredients and serve the cous Cosu warm or cold into individual bowls.

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