3 recipes


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Gratinated calamari





8 unit

Crumb, bread soft inside

4 spoons


1 spoon

Roman pecorino cheese

10 oz

Garlic and parsley, mix

5 oz

Black pepper

to taste


1 oz

Extra virgin olive oil

to taste

second courses from Italy

Gratinated calamari

Gratinated calamari

with gluten with fish with lactose with shellfish high in potassium high in phosphorus

ready in

1 hour


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Gratinated calamari

Taste of sea and crispness

Gratinated calamari step 1

step 1

Clean and wash the calamari and cut them for long opening them

Gratinated calamari step 2

step 2

Coarsely chop all the ingredients and fill the squid, garnish with the shelled shrimp and cut into small pieces

Gratinated calamari step 3

step 3

Finally add a drizzle of olive oil

Gratinated calamari step 4

step 4

Preheat the oven to 200 and cook for about 10/15 minutes

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