61 recipes


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Lemon zucchini and pasta




Wholewheat pasta

500 oz


5 unit

Lemon peel

1 spoon

Lemon juice

2 teaspoons

Natural sea salt

to taste


1 unit

Extra virgin olive oil

to taste

first courses from Italy - Lombardia

Lemon zucchini and pasta

Lemon zucchini and pasta

vegan with gluten high in iron source of C vitamins high in potassium high in magnesium

ready in

20 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Lemon zucchini and pasta

A prime fresh, light and tasty dish. Perfect for the season.

Lemon zucchini and pasta step 1

step 1

Wash the zucchini, fry them and pour them into a large hollow grater. Boil a pot with plenty of water for the dough.

Lemon zucchini and pasta step 2

step 2

Cut the leek into slices, then grind it roughly into a knife and plaster it in a large frying pan, where you will have warmed an egg yolk.

placeholder step

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Lemon zucchini and pasta step 3

step 3

Combine the zucchini, the peel and the lemon juice and let bake on a lively fire stirring from time to time.

Lemon zucchini and pasta step 4

step 4

When the water bubbles, pour the dough and bake. Once ready, pour it into the pan with courgettes, let it jump and serve.

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