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zucchini and mussels Pasta




Wholewheat pasta

320 oz


800 oz


2 unit


2 unit

Extra virgin olive oil

to taste

Black pepper

to taste


1 sprig

first courses from Italy - Puglia

zucchini and mussels Pasta

zucchini and mussels Pasta

with gluten with shellfish source of B vitamins high in iron source of C vitamins high in potassium high in magnesium

ready in

30 minutes


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

zucchini and mussels Pasta

A first course that combines the flavors of the sea with those of the land: the zucchini pasta and mussels! #kitchen

zucchini and mussels Pasta step 1

step 1

Brush and clean the shells of mussels with a brush alternatively, vigorously rub the shells to remove impurities and scale.

zucchini and mussels Pasta step 2

step 2

Eliminate any mussels broken or partially open.

zucchini and mussels Pasta step 3

step 3

Remove from each mussel byssus (beard) that protrudes from the shell, applying a light but firm pressure: to eliminate the beard is possible to help with a knife or tear it with hands.

zucchini and mussels Pasta step 4

step 4

Eliminate any deeper deposits on the shell of the mussels, using the blade of a knife. Rinse the mussels under running water and collect them in a bowl.

zucchini and mussels Pasta step 5

step 5

Heat a large pot with a wire dolio and a clove of aglio.Aggiungere mussels and proceed to the live flame until they hatch. To facilitate hatching, often shaking the pan (3-4m)

zucchini and mussels Pasta step 6

step 6

With a skimmer, remove the mussels and filter the sauce through a strainer lined with gauze or with absorbent paper.

zucchini and mussels Pasta step 7

step 7

Meanwhile, in a large saucepan, heat a dolio wire, flavored with a clove of garlic, then add the zucchini cut into cubes.

zucchini and mussels Pasta step 8

step 8

Fry over high heat, pepper, add half a cup of hot water and cook for 10 minutes.

zucchini and mussels Pasta step 9

step 9

When the courgettes are cooked, pour into blender and go until you get a nice smooth and homogeneous cream.

zucchini and mussels Pasta step 10

step 10

Put the cream in a pan and add the mussels now along with their sauce filtered. Continue cooking for about 5 minutes over low heat.

zucchini and mussels Pasta step 11

step 11

Meanwhile, in a large pot bring water to a boil and cook the pasta. Since the sauce of zucchini and mussels is well salted, council cook pasta without adding salt nellacqua!

zucchini and mussels Pasta step 12

step 12

Once cooked the pasta, drain and pour directly into the pan with the sauce.

zucchini and mussels Pasta step 13

step 13

Mix well and serve with a sprinkling of chopped fresh parsley.

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