20 recipes


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Chicken with plums




Chicken thigh

4 unit

Chicken bites

500 oz


1 unit


1 unit


1 oz

Fresh rosemary

1 sprig


1 wedge


to taste


200 oz


1 spoon

Extra virgin olive oil

to taste


to taste

Chili pepper

to taste

second courses from Italy

Chicken with plums

Chicken with plums

with meat source of B vitamins high in iron high in potassium high in phosphorus

ready in

1 hour


daily requirement

100% Fat

100% Protein

100% Carbohydrates

translated by Italian with google translate

Chicken with plums

A really delicious second course

Chicken with plums step 1

step 1

Brown the chicken together with a sprig of rosemary and a cinnamon stick so that it takes its taste, we add a pinch of salt and let it go with quite high heat for 10 minutes

Chicken with plums step 2

step 2

Remove the chicken from the heat and sauté with celery, carrot, chopped onion and a minced garlic clove

Chicken with plums step 3

step 3

As soon as it is browned, add a tablespoon of turmeric, mix well and let go for two minutes.

Chicken with plums step 4

step 4

Add the previously browned chicken and let it all go on the fire for 5/10 minutes.

Chicken with plums step 5

step 5

Add half a liter of boiling water, cover the pot and let it cook slowly for 35/40 minutes.

Chicken with plums step 6

step 6

10 minutes before removing from heat add the prunes and let cook so that they remain soft and whole, adjust salt and pepper

Chicken with plums step 7

step 7

Instead of the cinnamon stick you can put the cinnamon powder in half 'cooking, and if necessary' half a teaspoon at the end of cooking (if you like more or less intense)

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